Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Where does one start?

Who am I?

Alfredito (what mom/nana calls me), Afert (what Moni calls me), Al (what Judy usually calls me and sometimes Sally), Father (what Britt (or daughter) calls me), Pops (what Jboy calls me), daddy (what Markie calls me), Mr. Lopez (what Greg calls me), MrLo (what Alli, Birches, Houligans/Usual Suspects call me), or Tata (what the grandkids call me... :-) ?)

I think I'm definitely turning into a Tata. I like being Tata. But most of all, I am blessed and thankful to have been called and adopted by our Lord through the redemptive work of His son Jesus.

Brittany and Sally have blogs going for their families. When Alli and Mark started their Lopez4Life, I've decided to start to put some things down... for posterity like. I am thinking they may wind up being kinda random and may get edited over time... but it may be a good way log some things when I get a thought, a memory, or inspiration of sorts. I hope I can stick with it. I was always very impressed with what Judy put together for Boppa a few years ago.

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